Silver Star Triathlon

The Silver Star coaching package includes an individualized training program, based on your specific goals, your fitness level, and your personal schedule. Members of the Silver Star program are also entitled to one weekly email question and one monthly phone conversation with one of the Boulder Coaches. The Boulder Coaching team, Simon, Darren,Colleen and Lisa, will adjust your online training schedule week-to-week, depending on your changing needs.


Other Silver Star Perks

Join Darren De Reuck’s renowned running groups, Boulder Striders for group running interval workouts.



The Silver Star program costs $275 per month to be paid on the first of each month.


Long Term Payments

If you decide to join the silver star program we are offering the following loyalty discounts.

  • 15% discount for a 12-month commitment.

  • 10% discount for a 6-month commitment.

The discount will be applied at the end of the 6 or 12 month period.

Simon Lessing